A journalist in the Jeffersonian tradition, Naresh sets out with courage and confidence to afflict the comfortable and to comfort the afflicted. A searching curiosity and big heart match his fierce intelligence. Naresh stands as a powerful antidote to the sorry state of reporting today.
Naresh knows how to test the wind, isn’t afraid to get his feet wet, and does what it takes to make things happen.
Naresh is a top student who has already shown his ability to succeed in business. He is a proactive individual, a real doer.
I do more than 1,000 media interviews per year. I know a good producer when I see one. Naresh is one of the best.
A wise man once said that all you have is your name and your word and that honesty, trust and respect is the construct to any successful endeavor. Naresh is well on his way to building that foundation.
I love being interviewed by Naresh because he is incredibly well-prepared. I admire the respect he shows his audience by making his pieces interesting and worthwhile.
Naresh is one of the most talented youngsters in the country. His work is professional and extraordinary. I’ve worked with the best journalists in America, and Naresh can hold his own against any of them.
Naresh was a genius at getting high-profile guests to come on our programs. He is extremely intelligent and brought unbelievable amounts of energy and dedication to our efforts.